on Brows
The BUZZ on Brows
— Latest News —
Watch NBC’s Today Show on October 1! SurvivorEyes joins our friends from Fighting Pretty to kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month on the Today Show Plaza! Together, we will make 400 “Pretty Packages” for Sloan Kettering cancer patients.
SurvivorEyes CEO Lisa Brambilla is on a Mission to Empower the Next Generation of Cosmetologists. READ MORE >>>
— Video Clips —
Click on an image below to play the video
KOBI-TV NBC5 — Special Feature
KOBI-TV NBC5 — Special Feature
Stacy Cox - Good Day Sacramento
Stacy Cox – Good Day Sacramento
SurvivorEyes on Michelle Phillips
SurvivorEyes on Michelle Phillips
Pink Beauty Products That Give Back for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Beauty Buzz: SurvivorEyes
Pink Beauty Products That Give Back for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Pink Beauty Products That Give Back for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
— News & Blog Articles —
Southern Oregon Business Journal
Cover Story ~ May 2018
Candied Violets
Since I am a dancer and live a quite active lifestyle, I used the Forever Brows Kit for Active Women, which is sweat proof and waterproof.
Orange County Business Journal
Lisa Brambilla-Doble started eyebrow makeup company Survivor Eyes Inc. to help her friend Laurie Nalezny cope with her losing her eyebrows to chemotherapy for breast cancer.
Lisa Brambilla created SurvivorEyes, an eye brow kit, during her friend’s chemotherapy treatment. Years later, her product line has expanded, but the underlying goal of her company, supporting people struggling with hair loss, is still front and center.
Beauty Independent
We looked online for a kit that would give her what she needed with high-quality cosmetics and eyebrow stencils in a variety of shapes, and there was nothing. I thought, ‘I’m an inventor. I’m going to fill this need.’
Real Health
Chemo can cause you to lose body hair too, including eyebrows and eyelashes. Latisse or an inexpensive nondrug solution, such as SurvivorEyes, created specifically for brow loss from cancer therapy, can remedy this problem.
Summers Retreat
I always had thick brows that I thought made me look angry, so I plucked them to make them thinner and arched. Then one day I looked at myself in the mirror, trying to figure out why I looked a bit different and realized my eyebrows were gone. A feature of my face that I abused over the years with tweezers, had disappeared.
HoneyBook / Rising Tide
We are so inspired by the talent and incredible work in the Creative Economy, each year we showcase some of the best artists and makers through the Rising Tide Holiday Gift Guide! You will find everything from artwork to jewelry to home goods in this community built gift guide.
BeautyNews NYC
Let me introduce you to SurvivorEyes, a brow styling kit that is a simple and precise system, with a long-lasting formula.
Featuring Sorme® Cosmetics, each brow kit comes with reusable eyebrow stencils, a dual-sided applicator brush, plus instructions and information about the company and where your money goes. Hint: 5% of their annual profits go to charities including http://www.LookGoodFeelBetter.org and the National Alopecia Areata Foundation (www.naaf.org).
Kelly's Thoughts On Things
Did you know that some people even lose their eyebrows from other things? For example, my grandmother lost hers years ago from a series of medical treatments that weren’t Cancer related.
Jessica's 5 Star Reviews
My eyebrows are also thinning, but for me, it’s an age-related and self-inflicted wound from over tweezing in my youth.
I Had Cancer
Everyone should look the way they want and feel okay despite hair loss.
A Well Styled Life
Who among us doesn’t have a loved one who has battled cancer or an illness that causes hair loss?
Cupid's Pulse
This particular product was the recent creation of a breast cancer survivor who was inspired to help women struggling with hair loss to look and feel fabulous.
Intouch Rubgy
The driving force behind the product is to empower women, by helping them feel beautiful.
BB Product Reviews
There were so many times that I had wished that I could have done something for the family members that had survived Cancer and Chemo—most people when they go through Chemo lose their hair, eyebrows.
It’s great to find brands that work well for your needs but also that support or a help a cause in the process.
Budget Fashionista
Five percent of annual profits from the sale of SurvivorEyes is donated to charitable organizations.
It's a Glam Thing
Survivor Eyes Brow Style & Stencil Kit is the new, time-saving beauty must-have.
Huffington Post
Today, [SurvivorEyes] are the “go-to” for all brow-conscious women.
Hair and the Blog
SurvivorEyes is targeted to women who have experienced loss of hair due to cancer, or chemo.
Beauty News NYC
The kits are also beneficial to any woman with eyebrow hair loss and thinning.
The Gloss
#11: SurvivorEyes is a beauty brand specifically geared towards women who are battling cancer and its effects.
It's a Glam Thing
This beauty product with a purpose has quickly become the “go-to” brow solution for every woman looking for perfect brows in minutes.
Babbling Beauty
SurvivorEyes was introduced at the most recent Cosmoprof Beauty Show in Las Vegas where it created lots of excitement.